Peningkatan Perekonomian Masyarakat Melalui Industri Kreatif Jambu Kristal Sebagai Olahan Dodol di Desa Karangdoro Kecamatan Tegalsari Kabupaten Banyuwangi


The purpose of this community assistance is to increase community wealth through the creative industry by utilizing guava Kristal c grade to be Dodol in Karangdoro village Banyuwangi. The method used in this community assistance is (PAR) participatory action research method with the approach and doing the training of utilization of guava Kristal grade c, guava Kristal that have bad shape but consumable. This kind of guava Kristal is usually used as livestock feed or dumped by people. This training is given to mums, the member of PKK, Posyandu cadre, and group of religious study. This training is named DJ KRIIS, the abbreviation of Dodol Jambu Kristal that become healthy snacks and can be made as a souvenir; therefore it can increase community income.