Persepsi Civitas Akademik Pada Kenyamanan Tata Ruang Kampus UIN SU Medan (Pendekatan Sosiologi Agama dan Transdisiplin Keilmuan)


AbstractThis research beginss from the basic assumption that basically in Islam is known spatial concepts that make the lives of people and society better. It is included the campus as a place for higher education in producing religious and professional national next generation. Realizing this assumption certainly requires a comfortable situation for academic people on the beloved campus. It is match with UIN SU that continues to develop campus infrastructure lately. This development ideally integrates the concepts of Islam and the local culture of North Sumatra so as to provide a sense of ownership and comfort for the residents of the campus itself. For this reason, it is important to have the view of UIN SU academic community how their perceptions of the comfort of spatial concept of UIN SU based on knowledge, experience and beliefs as Muslims and local cultural owners, in the context of this culture that lives in North Sumatra. The study used a descriptive quantitative approach using the Likert scale in measuring the scale of perception of the research subjects. The research subjects consisted of structural officials at the UIN SU campus, ordinary lecturers, employees and students.The results of this study indicate that the academic community of UIN SU generally has a positive perception of the spatial planning and building layout that provides comfort on the campus of UIN SU Medan, which reaches an average of 62.25%. However, it is also important to see that 60.6% of the academic community still states that the infrastructure of UIN SU is not yet accessible for persons with disabilities, 43.7% said that the circulation of in and out campuses was not smooth and 40.8% said that the green open space was insufficient. This finding indicates that the academic community has moderate or neutral perceptions on the campus out-of-campus circulation, comfort, cleanliness and smell, and climate comfort. Although this is a moderate perception , it is still important to continue to make improvements in these comfort indicators. On the other hand, campus infrastructure development previously did not pay attention to social relations, and buildings in the context of Islam and local culture. Later some building infrastructure or supporting facilities were built with regard to student social relations, as well as the structure of Islamic buildings. For this reason, it is important to look at infrastructure development policies by looking at the needs of green open space, friendliness of the infrastructure for the disabled and the in and out circulation system of the campus which is not confusing and prone to congestion by making Islamic building structures as the main reference. It is also important to formulate an infrastructure development policy that provides a comfort space for Muslim worship with a touching of local culture. It is also important to continue to disseminate the spatial policy so that the implementation of policies can be integrated to the working units.  Keywords: Perception, Campus spatial, comfortable, sociology of religion, social relation