
Leadership is a big issue in the middle of the welfare of the society at large. Political developments being experienced at the time of the revolution until the beginning of the 21st century makes Deliar Noer appears as a figure that firm and rigid, so revealing the direction of development of the political rigth. But, then make the person eliminated Deliar Noer from three periods, namely the old order, new order, and reform. The facts of the leadership in Indonesia have also proven how leadership has been influential on the political life and state. Based on these arguments, the study discusses the leadership of the country. As for the purpose of this research is to identify the relevance of thinking Deliar Noer againts Indonesia's leadership.The results of this research indocates that leadership according to Deliar Noer deals with the prinsiples of the ethics of political leadership to run in people's lives, as well as in political life. In this case, the ruler claimed to have first example which can be responsible for its people, so that should also be labelled by Islamic values in a political ethics, that order the leaders on the ground water can create ethical values of leadership, as well as the morality of a nation. Later, Islam offers a solution imbalance that occurs in all human behaviour, not only in the Western world, but also Indonesia's Muslim majority. In this case, that the public wants Deliar Noer Indonesia should be able to motovating it self to be able to direct and make a change to a better life, especially for Indonesia. Regarding his relationship with leaders of Indonesia in the old order, new order, and reform.