
This Journal is a research study or library research figures which examines the theological  ofKH. Ahmad Dahlan, the rationale behind this study is, first, the authors noticed that K.H. Ahmad Dahlan is a figure purification of Islam in Indonesia is struggling to purify the teachings of Islam back to the Quran and Sunnah and the teachings in according to the times, second, successnes of hmad in defending the existence of the organization which he founded, and this organization is a place to improve the quality of the Islamic ummah. Third, Ahmad Dahlancontributed more to the advancement of education in Indonesia, and set up shelters of the poor, this is all aimed at reducing poverty among the Islamic Ummah.This research focuses on the scope of theological thought K.H Ahmad Dahlan, the main  issues are, first, how the patterns of thought theology K.H Ahmad Dahlan, second, to determine the contribution of thought K.H. Ahmad Dahlan to the development of Muhammadiyah in Indonesia, third, to look at the pros and cons K.H Ahmad Dahlan. this study is the research literature, the study begins with the collection of materials and data sources based on books, papers, and articles related to the topic of research to analyze the meanings that are sometimes in the assumptions, ideas, or statements to get a defenition and the conclusions.Based on the discussion of theological thought KH. Ahmad Dahlan, research obtained findings as follows: first, Ahmad Dahlan was not too deep concerned about theology, AhmadDahlan focused on trust in the existence of Allah Almighty, not assuming Allah with anything, and believe that the most relevant source all the  times is Alquran , Second, the contribution of Ahmad Dahlan, enough to contribute to the organization he founded, Ahmad Dahlan managed to apply the motion to the public purification Indonesia so that until now adays so  many people have joined in the organization. Third, Ahmad Dahlan is one of the leaders of the Islamic world intelligent purification, and the effect is large enough. Besides the advantages he has turned, Ahmad Dahlan also has weaknesses,  these are,  Ahmad Dahlan is a figure purification of Islam that did not have papers that can be used as a reference for researchers.