
Tatswib is the saying  of <em>asshalatu khairumminannaum</em>. It is bid'ah to say it in <em>adzan</em> for<em> </em>the Zuhur and 'Asr praying, or even in Maghrib and Isha. It is also bid’ah for the second <em>adzan </em>on Subuh (morning prayer), but it is not for the first <em>adzan, </em>one hour before entering the time. Bid’ah is also for adding or substracting words from Alqur’an and hadist. Adding the words of <em>tasbih, tahmid, </em>and<em> takbir </em>from 33 times, or even adding the sayings before or between them is also bid’ah. Another explanation about additional words to saying <em>salawat</em> to the Prophet Muhammad or giving the word <em>sayyidina</em> to shalawat also includes as bid’ah. There are also the changes to the real words of <em>do’a</em> between the singular meanings to the plural one, or in the other hand. Finally, it is better not to change the sayings of redaction from Alqur’an and Hadist, or make it silently likes in prayer in order not to disturb others.