
<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstr</em></strong><strong><em>act</em></strong><strong></strong></p><p>Islamic law as one of the legal system in Indonesia has a position and a very important meaning in the context of inter-religious harmony , urgency practice of Islamic law seen if the adherents of Islam carry out an activity that is based on Islamic law . Likewise if other faiths from practicing their religion seriously then of course inter-religious harmony will be established if all religions implement the law in accordance with the laws of his religion without having to discredit other religions. In connection with it in order to realize inter-religious kerukuanan according to Islamic perspective is to be according to the principles of Islamic law , the population of Indonesia is predominantly Muslim should feel have an obligation to participate more actively , interact and assimilate relevant practice of Islamic law in Indonesia in all fields . Other than that the extent of the practice of Islamic law and can contribute effectively to support efforts to achieve inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Practice, law, Islam, Concord, Religion<strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak </em></strong></p><p>Hukum Islam sebagai salah satu sistem hukum di Indonesia memiliki posisi dan arti yang sangat penting dalam konteks kerukunan antar umat beragama, praktik urgensi hukum Islam dilihat jika penganut Islam melaksanakan kegiatan yang didasarkan pada hukum Islam. Begitu juga jika agama lain dari mempraktikkan agama mereka secara serius maka tentu saja antar agama harmoni akan dibentuk jika semua agama menerapkan hukum sesuai dengan hukum agamanya tanpa harus mendiskreditkan agama lain. Sehubungan dengan itu dalam rangka mewujudkan Kerukunan antaragama menurut perspektif Islam harus sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam, penduduk Indonesia mayoritas Muslim harus merasa memiliki kewajiban untuk berpartisipasi lebih aktif, berinteraksi dan mengasimilasi praktek yang relevan dari hukum Islam di Indonesia di segala bidang. Selain itu tingkat praktek hukum Islam dan dapat berkontribusi secara efektif untuk mendukung upaya untuk mencapai kerukunan antar umat beragama di Indonesia.</p><p> </p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em>: </strong>Pengamalan, Hukum, Islam, Kerukunan, Agama