Sharh al-Hadith: Kajian Teoritis dan Metode atas Kitab Fath al-Bari


<p><em>H</em><em>adi</em><em>th of the Prophet have been around since the early development of Islam is a fact that no doubt, what was propped against the Prophet SAW. either Qawli</em><em>, Fi’li</em><em>, Taqri</em><em>r, and that's the nature of the h</em><em>adi</em><em>th. Understanding of textual starting from Fahm al-H</em><em>adi</em><em>th, Gh</em><em>a</em><em>ri</em><em>b</em><em> </em><em>al-H</em><em>adi</em><em>th to the Sharh</em><em> al-H</em><em>adi</em><em>th. The book of Sharh</em><em> </em><em>al-H</em><em>adi</em><em>th is a description and interpretation as well as a comprehensive explanation of a manuscript or book which also includes comments lecturers book related to speech, action and behavior of the Prophet as well as chains and Matan of H</em><em>adi</em><em>th. Systematics of Fath</em><em> al-Ba</em><em>ri</em><em> started from the explanation the name and background of the author, publishing history which consists of 15 chapters, and the first chapters written introduction to the publisher, the complete biography of Ibn</em><em> </em><em>H</em><em>ajr and Sanad of Ibn</em><em> </em><em>H</em><em>ajr to S</em><em>ah</em><em>i</em><em>h</em><em> al-Bukha</em><em>ri</em><em>, then he said the writing of the book Fath</em><em> al-Ba</em><em>ri</em><em>. While the discussion explained the language problem and I’rab, and outlines the important issues that are not found in any other book, explains Bala</em><em>ghah and literary terms, taking the law and highlights the various issues being debated by scholars, both related to jurisprudence and theology detailed impartially. Recently gathered all Sanadof Hadis and examined, as well as describe the extent S</em><em>ah</em><em>i</em><em>h</em><em> and D</em><em>a’i</em><em>f.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Sharh</em><em> </em><em>al-</em><em>H</em><em>adi</em><em>th</em><em>, Fath</em><em> al-</em><em>Ba</em><em>ri</em><em>, and Ibn H</em><em>ajr</em><em></em></p>