
<p><em>Pluralism hukum di Indonesia sangat berbeda dengan bebrapa pluralism hukum dibelahan dunia Islam lainnya. Pluralism hukum di Indonesia sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan masyarakat Indonesia yang sangat plural dan beragam. Isu pluralism hukum di Indonesia selalu hangat diperbincangkan, baik di era kolonialisme maupun pada era kemerdekaan. Era kolonialisme corak pluralisme hukum di Indonesia lebih didominasi oleh peran hukum Adat dan hukum Agama, namun pada era kemerdekaan Pluralisme hukum di Indonesia lebih dipicu oleh peran Agama dan Negara lebih khusus pada Undang-Undang perkawinan. Hukum Adat pada era kemerdekaan tidak begitu mendapatkan legalitas positifistik dari Negara, namun berbanding terbalik dengan hukum Agama yang menjadi sentral dalam perundang-undangan perkawinan di Indonesia. Menariknya, meskipun hukum adat tidak mendapatkan legalitas dari Negara, namun tetap hidup atau dipraktikkan secara terus-menerus oleh masyarakat Adat di Indonesia.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Legal pluralism in Indonesia is very different from some models of legal pluralism in other parts of the Islamic world. Legal pluralism in Indonesia is strongly influenced by the culture of Indonesian people which is very plural and diverse. The issue of legal pluralism in Indonesia is always warm discussed, both in the colonial era and the era of independence. In the era of colonialism, the patterns of legal pluralism in Indonesia is more dominated by the roles Customary law and religious law, but in the era of independence of legal pluralism in Indonesia is more triggered by the role of religion and the State more specifically on the Law of marriage. Customary law in the era of independence is not so getting positifistic legality from the State. In conrast, religious law became central to the law of marriage in Indonesia. Interestingly, even though customary law is not getting the legality of the State, it is still alive or practiced continuously by indigenous communities in Indonesia.</em></p>