
<p><em>KHI Bidang Perkawinan melakukan pembaruan pada 13 masalah, yang secara metodologis menggunakan kaidah-kaidah kebahasaan pada 8 butir pembaruan yaitu </em><em>pembatasan poligami, persetujuan rujuk istri, masa berkabung suami</em><em>,</em><em> batas minimal usia nikah, pengasuhan anak, perkawinan wanita hamil, perceraian diputus oleh pengadilan dan masalah perselisihan perkawinan harus melalui pengadilan</em><em>; metode </em><em>al-Qiyās</em><em> pada 3 butir pembaruan yaitu pada </em><em>persetujuan kedua calon mempelai, hak gugat cerai oleh istri, dan hak terhadap harta bersama (gono gini)</em><em>; dan </em><em>metode yang didasarkan pada maṣlaḥaḥ pada 2 butir pembaruan</em><em> </em><em>yang digunakan pada masalah pencatatan perkawinan, cerai dan rujuk serta masalah pengertian anak sah</em><em>. Namun penggunaan kerangka metodologi tersebut belum dilakukan secara konsisten terhadap seluruh pasal-pasalnya. </em><em></em></p><p><em>KHI Book of Marriage has carried out a reform in 13 issues, which is methodologically using the rules of language in 8 issues of reform , namely the restriction of polygamy , wife’s approval for rujuk, a period of mourning husband , minimum age of marriage , parenting , marriage of pregnant women , divorce is decided by the courts and marital disputes must go through the courts ; methods of al-qiyas in 3 issues of reform, which are on the consent of both bride , the right of divorce by his wife , and the rights to joint property (Gono gini ); and a method based on maslahah applies in 2 issues, which are related to the problem registration of marriage, divorce and reconciliation as well as problems understanding the legitimate child. However, the use of the methodological framework has not been done consistently to all the chapters.</em></p>