Herbert Berg dan Verifikasi Otentisitas Hadis Dalam Kitab Tafsir Jami’ al-Bayan fi Tafsir Al-Qur’an


This study aims to know hadith critical method by west scholars towards hadiths in the Al-Qur’an interpretation book. This article discusses about the main idea of Herbert Berg in Hadith Studies. As the orientalist, he conducts a research of Hadith Authenticity found in the interpretation book. It makes him different from common orientalist that conduct research in Law Hadiths critical. He started his project by criticizing the book of Tafsir Jami’ al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an by At-Tabari and the hadiths collected by Ibnu Abbas. Berg declared himself as middle ground. This category had an objective perspective as a hadith researcher compared to skeptic and sanguine groups. He used a comprehensive standard in examining the text of hadith based on five principles: Haggadic, Halakhic, Masoretic, Rhetorical, Allegoric. Those five principles created twelve methodology frameworks borrowed from the Wansbrough analysis tool and added  by the theory of Simple Gloss, Quranic Loci and Non Exegetical. The aim is to test the consistency of hadith in the historical line. He tested through sanad and matan of hadith and his theory description is summarized from his book "The Development of Exegesis in Early Islam: The Debate over the Authenticity of the Muslim Literature of the Formative Period.