Polemik Arah Kiblat dan Solusinya dalam Perspektif al-Qur’an


Polemics Qibla kept rolling in the middle of the community, and also triggered by the errata Fahwa Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) number 03 of 2010 on the Qiblah which among dictum states that lies geographically Indonesia is located in the eastern part of the Kaaba/Mecca, the mecca of the people Islam Indonesia is facing westward. Recently, the debate about the direction of Qibla is getting warmed up. Not only in certain areas, but has become a national issue. In determining the Qibla direction, no one tried to find the direction of Qibla to be exactly facing the Ka’aba (‘ain al-Ka’bah) so it should take a position toward the northwest, and some are found quite facing him alone (jihhah al-ka ‘bah), namely the west and prayers continue to be valid. Their reality thereby causing confusion among IndonesianMuslims. Given this reality it needed the guidance and explanation can assuage the anxiety of the people. Al-Quran and al-Sunnah be tumpuhan Qibla direction in the resolution of issues among the people. This article by referring to the interpretation and understanding of the verses of the Koran and the Sunna associated with the direction of Qibla, will try to enlighten people to the problems associated with determining the qibla direction