Perkembangan Kubah Batu, Masjid Damaskus, Perluasan Masjid Al-Haram dan Masjid Nabawi pada Masa Khalifah Abdul Malik Bin Marwan dan Walid Bin Abdul Malik


This research describes the building that was built and renovated during the regimes of Khalifah Abdul Malik bin Marwan and Walid bin Abdul Malik. The method used in this study is the historical method, which uses the approach of cultural anthropology, and the theory of cultural acculturation. The technique of data collection is by literature study. The result of this research is in the era of Abdul Malik bin Marwan, built Qubat as-Shkhrah/Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, until today become one of the greatest Islamic monuments. In the Dome of the Rock Mosque, the masonry building style mixed from Byzantine and Persian culture. In the era of Walid bin Abdul Malik built the famous grand mosque of Damascus Mosque. The construction of the mosque was also affected by the Byzantine culture, because the earlier Damascus mosque was a converted church to become a mosque. The effect on the original building form has a simple pattern, having gained influence from the outside culture adds to the shape of the building and does not change the initial shape of the initial pattern. During the reign of Khalifah Abdul Malik and al-Walid I did an expansion in Masjid al-Haram and Masjid Nabawi.