Manuskrip dan Konteks Sosialnya, Kasus Naskah Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah di Minangkabau


This paper discusses Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah (manuscript on the Naq­sya­bandiyah Sufi order) in Minangkabau, West Sumatera. In addition to des­cribe the physical aspect of the manuscript, this paper discusses the contents of the manuscript concerning the doctrines of Sufism, such as the method of ©ikr (remembering God’s name with chanting special formula), tawhīd (Isla­mic monotheism) and the relationship between syari‘ah, tarekat, hakikat and makrifat. The paper also discusses social, cultural and religious aspects of the manuscript. In this context, the author shows rivalry between the Naq­syabandiyah and Syattariyah sufi orders, when the former criticized the latter on the doctrine of the martabat tujuh (seven stages).