Pembelajaran Cooperative Tipe Two Stay Two Stray Berbasis Multimedia Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI


This article aims; To find out does the application of cooperative learning method type Two Stay Two Stray-based Multimedia can improve student learning outcomes in Subjects PAI class X SMK 02 Bengkulu City. To know how the results of class X student SMKN 02 Bengkulu City which uses cooperative learning methods of type two stay two stray-based multimedia. Results obtained by using the methodology class action research (CAR); The implementation of cooperative learning methods of type two stay two stray-based multimedia in improving student learning outcomes in subjects PAI class X SMK Negeri 2 Bengkulu City. This is seen in the analysis of observational data in the first cycle of teacher activity score obtained by the sum value of 30, an average of 3.0, with sufficient classification, and increased in the second cycle score obtained by the total value of 43, on average, 4.3 rara classification good. As well as on the analysis of observational data in the first cycle of student activity score obtained by the sum value of 29, an average of 2.9 with sufficient classification, and increased in the second cycle score obtained by the total value of 42, an average of 4.2 in both categories. The implementation of cooperative learning methods of type two stay two stray-based multimedia can enhance student learning outcomes in subjects PAI class X SMK 2 Bengkulu City. This can be seen from the test data of students in Pre cycle average value achieved by students is 66.92 with a percentage of 28% after the first cycle increased got an average rating of 69.88 and a percentage of 40%, but still below the standard and increased in the second cycle with an average value of 75.6 and a percentage of 76%, thus learning in the second cycle has reached mastery learning.