Tinjauan Filosofis Tentang Metode Pendidikan Islam


This paper discussed a review will be a little philosophical about the methods of education in Islam. The method is derived from two words namely meta, meaning through and hodos which means path or way. So the method means a path traversed to reach the destination. While the Islamic education is a process in shaping Muslim men were able to develop their potential to achieve and realize their duties and functions as the Caliph of Allah., Good for God, fellow human beings, and other fellow creatures. Education is always based on the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith. Source Method Islamic Education; Islamic educational methods in practice many scientific insights regarding the source of education is in the Qur'an and Hadith. Methods of Islamic Education; Basically the method of Islamic education is very effective in fostering the personality of the students and motivate them so that the application of this method allows tens of thousands of believers can open the human heart to receive divine guidance and Islamic concepts. Examples of methods in the Koran; Qur'anic dialogue method and the Prophet, and the Prophet's method Qur'anic Story, Parable methods, methods ibrah and Mau'izhah, methods targhib and tarhib.