Program Pemberdayaan Orang Tua Responsif Gender di Lembaga Paud Kabupaten Muara Enim


Parents have an obligation to organize education regardless ofwhether they have educational knowledge or not. The low level of parentalknowledge in children's education will have an impact on negative things.In this regard, it is necessary to conduct research on parents'understanding of the concept of gender to determine the picture ofchildren's understanding in the future. This research is a quantitativestudy that aims to explain the existing phenomena by using numbers todescribe the characteristics of individuals or groups. This study assessesthe nature of several conditions that appear and describes thecharacteristics of something as it is. This research was conducted in 32PAUD Institutions in Muara Enim Regency. The research target isparents who send their children to PAUD institutions with a total sampleof 64 parents. The data collection tool is a questionnaire of 10 items thatare distributed to parents of students. Data analysis used is a percentagetechnique to present data. The results of this study are that genderresponsive parents empowerment in Muara Enim District has a highawareness in assisting their children in school both in delivering school,attending school meetings, and activities carried out by schools but in theprovision of funding facilities gender responsive infrastructure is stillquite low as well as the involvement of parents as resource persons at theirchildren's school.