Pendekatan Model Success Story Dalam Upaya Menumbuhkan Pendidikan Entrepreneurship


This paper aims to discuss the Islamic concept of entrepreneurship, the story of the Prophet as a true entrepreneur, the essence of entrepreneurship education, and psychological approach in entrepreneurship. Based on the discussion, it can be found that: First, Islam has provided an overview on working and trying to include entrepreneurship is an integral part of human life since its existence as caliph fil-ard. The nature of the teachings of Islam greatly encouraged the people to entrepreneurship. Working for a living in the Islamic view is considered as a way of worship and the practice of Islamic law commands. Second, in Islam, in terms of both concept and practice, entrepreneurial activity is not a stranger, it is often practiced by the Prophet, his wife, friends, and also the scholars in the country. Third, entrepreneurship education is very important for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship education is one form of application awareness education to the progress of their nation. Fourth, to foster the entrepreneurial spirit can not only provide theories and distanced from the real world of entrepreneurship, but should combine both as a form of visualization entrepreneurship as an art and a science entrepreneurship. Success story as a model of entrepreneurial learning approach, as one of the models of learning approaches to encourage the growth of an entrepreneurial spirit.