Tugas Kepala Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Asas Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah


The world of education has never deserted the object of research. Experts havemany methods of formulating the principle of improvement of education, seminars andworkshops begin to find the answer to this problem. Various attempts have been made toimprove the national education principles, including through training and improving thecompetence of teachers, improvement of educational facilities, procurement of books andlearning tools, and improving school management principles. Nevertheless, the principleindicator of education has not shown significant improvement. This paper describes thegeneral task of headmaster in improving school-based management principles. Principal taskmanager, which manage, organize and plan activities and seeks to profess dipimpinyaschools have value and quality it takes a good pengelolahan form. The pattern ofmanagement that involves all elements of the internal and external school.