Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Problem Based Learning (PBL) Mata Kuliah Etika Profesi Keguruan Untuk Peningkatan Kompetensi Pendagogik Dalam Karakter Kemadirian Dan Ketekunan Mahasiswa PGMI IAIN Bengkulu


This study aimed to yielding a professional ethics course modules; to determine the increase pedagogical competence of students in the character of self-reliance and perseverance. Based on the validation results of expert lecturers and through trial and error, found that subjects ethics module teaching profession-based model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) has good quality and suitable for use in lecture courses teaching profession ethics. There is an increased pedagogical competence of students in the character of the independence of the Teaching Profession Ethics Courses study programs in primary IAIN Bengkulu seen from the average value increase student independence character of each cycle. namely 12.25 (51%) the first cycle, 15 (62.5%) the second cycle, 17.5 (70%) the third cycle. There is an increased pedagogical competence of students in the perseverance of the character Subjects Teaching Profession Ethics courses in primary IAIN Bengkulu seen from the average value increase student persistence character of each cycle is 5 (41.6%) the first cycle, 7 (43.75%) cycle II, 12.25 (51%) the third cycle.