Teori Potensi Pencarian Jati Diri Sebagai Daya Serap Dalam Proses Pendidikan Karakter Anak Didik


This article aims to discuss how the theoretical potential of the search for identity as absorption in the educational process students' character. Based on the discussion it was found that: design character education can be effective by applying the conformity between the ages of adolescents with characteristics that are in search of identity which then becomes absorption, acceptance aqidah material as the base growth of the character, and use the dialogical approach and profound reflection. With the approach of dialogue, matters of religion as a basis for developing character for doctrinal doctrinal though it will be received by the child with a sense of profound awareness will their material needs. Here comes a new theory that can be applied in instructional design invitation impressed hallmark of education without teaching, impose material but with a democratic way, the child feels no burden of not being indoctrinated and ultimately obtain the results of learning by absorbing and open it was taught. Educators serves as a facilitator, mediator and partner learning ditutut creativity in every action. This is also the beginning of the educational achievement of humanist and democratic.