Menggagas Paradigma Baru Sistem Pendidikan Menuju Pendidikan Transformatif Dan Kompetitif
The purpose of writing a paper is as repositioning the search thread and solutions to various terms of the Indonesian education system so that a dynamic, transformative and competitive advantage. Education is an important institution for the process of preparing and improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia are qualified. Without preparing the future generations to live in an era of globalization (MEA, AEC, AFTA, etc.) with a variety of competitive advantage to have, our nation will be immersed in a world that is increasingly global pecaturan; Systemic solutions, ie solutions with changing social systems related to the education system. The education system in Indonesia today, applied in the context of the economic system of capitalism (school of neoliberalism), a principled among others minimize the role and responsibilities of the state in public affairs, including education financing; When the National Education Standards should be applied completely and correctly fit the concept. It must be through advocacy strategies sharp and thorough stakeholder commitment.