Peradaban Pendidikan; Gerakan Intelektual Masa Abbasiyah


The purpose of writing is to describe how the civilization of education in the Abbasid era. Based on the results of the study found that: Named for the founder of the Abbasid Caliphate and the ruler of this dynasty are descendants of al-Abbas uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. Abbasid dynasty founded by Abdullah al-Saffah ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdullah ibn al-Abass. His reign lasted a long time span, from the year 132 AH (750 AD) sd 656 AH (1258 AD). During the Abbasid education experienced a golden age. Its popularity peaked during the caliphate of al-Rashid and his son, Caliph al-Ma'mun. Progress is determined by two things; (1) The occurrence of assimilation between Arabs with other nations who have previously experienced in the development of science. (2) The movement of translation in order to create a conducive scientific tradition. Besides, it is also supported by the intellectual tradition of the tradition of reading, writing, discussion, openness or freedom of thought, research, and they will scholarly devotion they control. Advances in science and technology that has been achieved include: geometry, trigonometry, music, geography, antidote (antidote), medicine, and philosophy. Intellectual movement that made the Muslims deliver them at the peak of scientific progress. Translating cause mastered the intellectual heritage of the three types of culture; Greece, Persia and India. Finally, the Muslims were able to build a good knowledge of religious culture, philosophy and science.