Globalisasi Sebagai Keniscayaan Dan Reorientasi Pendidikan Pesantren


This paper aims to analyze how the reorientation of pesantren in the midst of globalization as a necessity. The existence of pesantren has been tested in every successive era dynamics. However, it does not mean that pesantren can remain silent or indifferent and indifferent to globalization. Conversely, pesantren must respond by doing reevaluation and reorientation of their business charity for this nation. The reorientation of pesantren that can be chosen is to strengthen the existence of itself as an Islamic educational institution that concerns on the development of the resources of Indonesian Muslims. As described above, Indonesia's human resources are still low compared to some neighboring countries. Since the majority of Indonesians embrace Islam, the real low-resource is Muslims. Therefore, the development of people's resources is an important and urgent task to be undertaken by pesantren. In addition, for pesantren who have madrasah / school, debriefing santri in the form of live skill is positioned as the perfect curriculum in the madrasah/school, because the curriculum of madrasah / school is largely a package of the national education system. Meanwhile, pesantren who do not have madrasah / schools can design ready-to-use skills in their education independently without government intervention. Adjusting to the global era of pesantrants seeks to reconstruct aspects of modern educational methods, curricula and management.