Penerapan Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis Strategi Concept Attainment (CA) Numbered Head Together (NHT) Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Proses dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 20 Kota Bengkulu


Abstract: The purpose of the article is to find out; Whether the application-based learningstrategies Concep Attainment (CA) and Numbered Head Together (NHT) can improvethe quality of the learning process PAI grade students of SMPN 20 Bengkulu city, whetherthe application-based learning strategies Concep Attainment (CA) and Numbered HeadTogether (NHT) may increase PAI learning outcomes Class VIII student of SMPN 20Bengkulu City. Research using this type of class room action research (PTK). The results ofthat study; The application of the model CA and NHT could improve the quality of thelearning process PAI in class VIII A of SMP Negeri 20 Bengkulu school year2016/2017. It is the show by the acquisition of the quality of the learning process PAIscores on pre-cycle, with a total score of 36, the average indicator of 1.50, with a percentageof 37.50%, in the category of very less, in the first cycle 3 meeting increased, with a totalscore of 57, the average indicator of 2:37 and 59.37 percentage value, included in thecategory enough. In the second cycle increased to 3 meetings with a total score of 87, theaverage indicator value of 3.62 and 90.06 percentage in the category very well.Implementation Pendekatatan DD & CT-based model of CA and NHT could improvelearning pestasi PAI class VIII A 20 Bengkulu state junior high school year 2016/2017on a pre-cycle, the average value of student learning outcomes by 60, with the thoroughness of33.30% in cycle 1 3 meeting increased with an average value of student learning outcomesby 72, with completeness 80% in the second cycle 3 meeting increased with an average valueof student learning outcomes by 83, with a 96.67% completeness.