Perkembangan Makna Sunnah Pada Periode Formatif Hukum Islam


The conversation around the Sunnah since the classical period of Islam to thecontemporary age, always nuanced and kontreversi prolonged polemic. Intellectualfriction in the study of the Sunnah that revolve around the meaning of the Sunnah and itshistorical evolution, distinction with tradition, and is a well-established practice of theMuslims can be referred to as Sunnah to be proof or not. In a historical perspective thethemes of the sunnah developing preformance classic discourse thinking Muslims.Reconstruction of the above problems is the study very interesting and significant to bediscussed. And that should be emphasized that the meaning of the Sunnah is not somethingthat is taken for granted as it is, but through an evolutionary process that is long enoughmeaning.