Keterampilan Menyimak Mempengaruhi Kemampuan Siswa Memahami Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam


Listening is a skill to understand the spoken language that is reseftif. Thus, it means not just listen to the sounds of the language, but once understood. In the first language (mother tongue), we obtain listening skills through a process that we do not realize that we were not aware of the complexity of the process of acquiring the skills of listening. Humans are not born knowing anything, but he was awarded by Allah. senses, mind, and taste as capital to accept science, religious education, skills and acquire certain attitudes through the process of maturation and learning first. The maturation process of a person is first obtained through listening. Every human being wants to get the widest possible knowledge so that they can have a stock for their survival in the day and at the same kemuadian can mendamabaktikan knowledge on the country. Therefore, they must have the ability to listen properly to what they want can be achieved.