Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Perspektif Budaya Lokal


This paper aims to explain how character education in the perspective of the local culture. In the self contained local knowledge (local wisdom) which is the result of the Local Genius of various tribes, local knowledge this is supposed to be knitted in one unified culture (Culture) to realize a nation that is, the nation of Indonesia. The purpose of Character Education in Indonesia can not be denied that the deterioration of the character of the Indonesian nation occurs continuously as evidenced by the increase in crimes committed by most people who do not no stopping television station broadcast news of the clash by students, corruption by the corrupt state money, sales babies, murder and mutilation and so forth. Character education is essentially aimed at forming a competitive nation, tough, high morals, bertoleran, worked together, patriotic spirit, developing a dynamic, science-oriented, and technology are all animated by the faith and piety to God Almighty based on Pancasila. Character education aims to improve the quality and outcomes of education providers towards achieving the formation of character and moral values in children as a whole, integrated, and balanced in accordance with the existing norms and values. Through a child's character education is expected to be able to independently increase and enggunakan knowledge, study and internalize the values of character and noble character so manifest in everyday behavior.