
Culturally recognized or not in society, women are in aninferior position or do not have the empowerment, not least in the aspect ofIslamic education from the beginning is believed to be a religion that isvery concerned with aspects of education so it is no coincidence if the firstfive verses revealed by Al qur'an emphasizes the importance of educationaleducation for human beings, both male and female. There are many versesthat emphasize how high the degree of the people who pursue educationand the field of scholarship. So the empowerment of women's education isa way and process of improving women's education in the hope that theyare able to control their life. The purpose of empowerment is to increase thepower of women who in the reality of life until now have the fate of theunlucky. With capital Empowering women in education paradigm ofliberation, civil society will be built. Civil society implies a highly uphelddemocratic attitude. The civil society is a picture of a society free fromgovernmental intervention, self-reliance, egalitarian and democratic.According to Naquib Al attas, civil society is a society that adheres to theprinciples of democratization, respect for human rights, obeying the lawand respecting the value of humanity.