Peran Pustakawan Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Menumbuhkan Minat Baca Masyarakat


The purpose of this discussion is to mndeskripsikan library institutions in aneffort to foster interest in reading; Efforts to foster interest in reading people can basically dosome strategic moves by perbagai parties, including the Government, Educators, Library,Librarian and Society, with some of the following possibilities were: Government to designthe curriculum or learning system that allows students to engage in reading literatureassociated with the curriculum or teaching the existing systems. Educators seek torecommend reading materials that should be read by students associated with learning tasks,it also must be notified to the librarian or library that provided the recommended readingmaterial, so that learners will automatically find and read material in library. Theavailability of resources / Library / Parks Reading / Documentation and InformationCentre of adequate, easily accessible and representative. Equitable access to information withthe development of TBs to the village level. Growing awareness to the community, howpetingnya reading habits.