Pembentukan Akhlak Melalui Pembinaan Kecerdasan Spiritual


Morals it is a science that explains the meaning of good and bad by comparingand contrasting the two, then get used to the things that are good, that ahirnya can besocialized and loved us something. Morals that there is a form of character and temperamentthat has been instilled by Allah. on every soul of man and of a general nature, includingtemperament is commendable and despicable and there is also a property that is cultivated bystudying and holding fast to the laws and adab-adab of the Shari'a, and it is more specialthan the first. Spirituality in Islam is synonymous with spiritual intelligence which isessentially the intellectual stage of this spirit can we begin since pre-pregnancy, then wecontinue the pregnancy, and can keep us awake from toddlers to adults. Every religiousbeliever who believed in the existence of God as creator, then on him the growing spirituality.Desire of maintaining confidence in ourselves that this life nothing is set up and control it,and even then a branch of spirituality.