Fenomena Pendidikan Gratis Dalam Pembiayaan Pendidikan


The implementation of free education that has been eagerly awaited since the time of independence of the Republic of Indonesia has come up with over the coming phenomenon of free education. Judging from the development, this phenomenon can not be separated from the pros and cons. For the pros, with the program say that it is the government's efforts to improve the quality of education and decrease school dropout rates, free schooling for parents could reduce the burden of his mind to the problem of the cost of education and no more kids SD / MI and SMP / MTS who can not take the exam just because they have not paid school fees. While the counter said the local government budget will be drained to finance educational operations in the area, so that the budget to improve the quality of education concerning the improvement / upgrading of infrastructure should certainly dikesampingkankan. Other consequences of free education can be done, but with very low quality or quality pickup.