Efektifitas Pembelajaran Model Contextual Teaching dan Sains Teknologi Masyarakat terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa
This study specifically aimed to determine the effectiveness of the contextual teaching learning model and the community technology science model on student learning outcomes in the diffusion of educational innovation subject. The method of data collection used was experiment by using test, documentation, interview and observation. The result of the study showed that the average score of the student learning outcome that used learning technology model of community science was higher than the result of student learning outcome that used contextual teaching learning model. This was because the community technology science model helped students better understand the material related to problems found in real life so that students became active in the learning process. In conclusion, the model of community technology science learning was more effective in improving student learning outcomes in the diffusion of educational innovation courses Keywords: Contextual Teaching Learning Model, Community Science Technology, Learning Outcome