Pengembangan Soal Matematika Model Pisa untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Penalaran Matematika


The objective of the research was to developed mathematic questions of PISA model to measure students' mathematic reasoning ability of SMPN Lubuklinggau city. This is developmental research of formative research type. This research was done in two stages namely preliminary and formative evaluation including self evaluation, expert teviews and one-to-one evaluation (low resistence in revision), small group and field test (high resistence in revision). The technique of data analysis used descriptive data analysis. The findings showed that the prototype of developed questions had potential effect. It was shown from mean score of test result was 61.09 which students' mathematic reasoning ability were in good category (61-80). In conclusion, developing mathematic questions of PISA model could measure students' mathematic reasoning ability. Keywords: Questions, PISA, Ability, Reasoning