The terrorist event that took place at the end of this year in the form of an attack on worshipers in one of the London mosques in June 2018 and attacks on police officers in France in early 2017 illustrated that terrorism is not always identical with certain religions, especially Islam. Islam and terror are not two things that have identical relationships, only they often trigger the birth of a social consensus that allows other parties to ride it. Therefore, there needs to be a solution to eliminate the stigma that Islam is a terrorist religion through an Islamic education approach. This paper describes the two formulations of Islamic education that can be used to counteract the ideologies of radicalism. First, Islamic education must express clearly the separation between Islam and terrorism by returning to the vision of Islam as the religion of rahmatan lil’alamin. Second, placing the prophetic-humanistic values and historicity of Islam as the basis of the Islamic education curriculum, and making mosques as centers of Islamic education both formally and culturally.