
The universal values ​​contained in the Qur'an are the bearers of grace for the universe, as well as in the implementation of the Koran-based competition that is held annually in Indonesia and manifested in Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran or so-called MTQ. Therefore, ideally the activities of MTQ involve the whole community. At the beginning of its implementation, Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) runs with the spirit of kinship, honesty and for presenting the da'wah of Islam itself. The fact is that MTQ in Indonesia is allegedly being shifted along with the empirical problems that follow the annual event, such as data manipulation of participants, cheating between offisial, until the indication of non-transparent and objective assessment on the Council of Judges allegedly want to win the host of the organizers. Then the nuances of the race are considered stagnant and monotonous, it is necessary to rethink (rethinking) about the concept of organizing the existing MTQ. So in this study there are two things to be studied. First, how is the culture phenomenon in MTQ tradition? Second, how is the reconstruction of the MTQ tradition in the perspective of rahmatan lil 'alamin? The method used in this research is descriptive analysis, which is a method of research through qualitative approach resulting from a data collected through surveys in the field. While the data collection technique used is triangulation ie observation, interview, and documentation. In the meantime, this research seeks to answer and map the various problems and cultures of existing MTQ such as implementation guidance, judge judge transparency, MTQ membership validity, to the frauds that often occur and become permissive. So the model of the upcoming MTQ is a representative activity that encompasses the value of rahmatan lil'alamin itself and in accordance with its substance, not only ceremonies, but also has a typically dynamic, religious nuance, and has a certain standardized curriculum. It is at this stage that the reconstruction of MTQ can be developed in the fields of art, science and technology, culture and humanities, theology and Epoleksoshankam which all of these fields can give a fresh look and feel in this annual event, from the organizing system, ceremonial ceremony, to the substance the material of MTQ is in accordance with the vision of Islam rahmatan lil alamin which can be felt by all levels of society.