Kedudukan dan Peran Perempuan dalam Perspektif Islam dan Adat Minangkabau


  Kata Kunci: Kedudukan dan peran perempuan, Adat Minangkabau, Perspektif Islam   Abstract This article aims to analyse positions and roles of Minangkabau women based on their adat and Islam in terms of: 1) inheritance; 2) decision makers in the family; 3) in taking care of children; and 4) in solving problems in the community. By implementing qualitative analysis approach with the method of analyzing QDA data, the results of the study are as follows: 1) women in Islam should be given half of their inheritance from men, whereas in based on adat Minangkabau women could get inheritance from ancestral inheritance and from her parents; 2) in Islam, women could give opinion in deciding matters in the family, while according to adat Minangkabau, decision makers in the family are women; 3) in Islam, the role of a mother is very large in educating their children, whereas according to adat Minangkabau the role of mother is very absolute even the role of father can be said to be almost non-existent; and 4) in Islam it is possible for women to play a role in social politics without forgetting their role in the family, while in the adat Minangkabau Bundo Kanduang acts as an intellectual actor in resolving communities’ issues.