
The word amnesia history can be considered as a representation of the anxiety of writers when the Soviet Union regime came to power. The regime launched atrocities against its citizens through a system of repression. The atrocities committed by the government against its citizens were "recorded" through words by writers. The form of literary resistance to the nation's repression caused the world of words have the power to influence the course of history. One of the 20th century Russian writers known for their resistance to the Soviet Union's communist regime was Aleksandr Isaevič Solţenicyn (1918-2008). The communist government regarded Solţenicyn as a dissident who was against anti-humanism according to Marxism-Leninism. Solţenicyn can not be separated from the snares of repression of the government of the Soviet Union. Various searches about Solţenicyn's authorship show that he was a realist author and part of the Soviet Union literary group who opposed government interference with literature. Arxipelag Gulag which popularized Solţenicyn was documentation as well as a reflection of the atrocities that occurred in the Soviet Union during the communist regime in power. The terror system - as part of the system of state repression - narrated in the novel makes the story of the Gulag (Glavnoe upravlenie ispravitel'no-trudovyx 'Directorate General of Corrective Labor Camp') in Solţenicyn version has an appeal that is sought by readers and reviewers of literature.