Dinamika Komunikasi Antar Budaya Dalam Harmonisasi Santri di Pondok Pesantren Darul A’mal Metro


The aim of this study describes how the process of intercultural communication students, what are the constraints or barriers faced by the students in the process of intercultural communication, how the students realise the harmony in intercultural communication. The researcher uses a qualitative ethnographic approach. The result show that 1) Indonesian language as an introduction and an opening at the Darul A'mal boarding school environment, 2) Indonesian as a language that is easily understood, 3) the use of the Java language as a language of communication Kromo Inggil to an older person, 4) the Java language is used in the process of reviewing the yellow book learning, 5) use of the letters pegon, Furthermore, to achieve harmony in the process of intercultural communication of the students apply the following things: 1) mutual respect and appreciation, 2) tolerance that accepts differences.   Keywords: Inter-Cultural Communication, Harmonizaion Santri, Process of intercultural symbolic