Analisis Terhadap Komunikasi Pembelajaran di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam: Studi Kasus di MAN Kabupaten Karawang


<p>Quality of learning can be affected by the effectiveness of the communication that was built by the teacher in the learning process. To produce an effective learning process, teachers are required to have good communication skills. Therefore, to know the implementation, effectiveness and communication enabling and inhibiting factors in the learning that takes place in an educational institution conducted a study entitled "Analysis of Communication Learning Institute of Islamic Education (Case Studies in Karawang regency MAN)". This study aims to determine the implementation of learning communication, enabling factors, inhibiting factors and the effectiveness of communication and how learning occurs in MAN Karawang regency. Results of this study are expected to provide solutions to the problems of learning communication especially in MAN Karawang regency. The method used is the case study method, the study design using the communication network analysis of Rogers &amp; Kincaid. In this study developed the concept of the fifth components of learning communication, communication source, message communication, communication channels, message recipient, and feedback. Research instruments developed through questionnaires, interviews and field observations. The study was conducted in 4 Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Karawang district with a total sample of 120 students and 127 teachers. he results show the communication of the fifth components of learning, which is best done by teachers and students is a component of the message communication with a percentage of 96 %, whereas the lowest was learning media component that is equal to 72 %. Fifth components of learning communication concept which is based on the results of this study suggested to do in madrasah aliyah in Karawang regency.</p><p>Keyword: Learning communication, communication variabel, effectivityy</p>