
Abstract: Sufism of al-Ghazālī patterned the osophist, an integration between the theological and philosophical Sufism. The dominance pattern of the osophical Sufism of al-Ghazālī emphasizes the mystical experience is spread through philosophical reasoning. The his study method departed from the truth of faith and test it through mystical experience method. The peak of his Sufism leads to various dimensions, and then described through the frame work of rational thinking. According to al-Ghazālī, the essential Ma'rifat to be obtained through inspiration or nūr who Allah enter into the hearts of people to recognize the nature of God and all His creation. The knowledge is obtained from ma'rifat more true than the knowledge is acquired by the reason. Abstrak: Tasawuf al-Ghazālī bercorak teosofis, merupakan integrasi antara tasawuf teologis dan filosofis. Dominasi corak tasawuf teosofisal-Ghazālī lebih mengedepankan pengalaman sufistik yang dibentangkan melalui penalaran filosofis. Metode kajiannya berangkat dari kebenaran iman dan mengujinya melalui metode pengalaman sufistik. Puncak tasawufnya bermuara pada tataran ma’rifat dengan berbagai dimensinya, kemudian diuraikan melalui kerangka berpikir rasional. Ma’rifat yang hakiki menurut al-Ghazālī diperoleh melalui ilham atau nūr yang dicampakkan Allah ke dalam qalb manusia untuk mengenali hakikat Allah dan segala ciptaan-Nya. Ilmu yang diperoleh dari ma’rifat lebih benar daripada ilmu yang diperoleh melalui akal. Keywords: ma’rifat, qalb, teosofis, filosofis, gnostik.