
Philosophy of Ka‘bah no arak lek dalam ate represents a shift in tradition and culture among Sasak people from tradition which is symbolized itself with Rinjani mountain to Ka’bah symbol of purification and soul purification. This shift made hajj and Ka’bah become the top ceremony which connect man and Allah, in religious and culture level. The Ka’bah symbolic in life philosophy and Sasak culture which is come from hajj perform spiritualisation in sociocultural and local political Sasak community. Through this symbolisation, their tradition is not only refelected religiously but also reflected in the norms and custom which becomes culture base of Sasak people. By the people, those things is formulated into “adat”, and”tata krame”. Tipa’ Ka‘bah as a religious philosophy is based on Islam and explain hajj as a continuous ritual by perform hajj in Mekah. For Sasak community, before someone performs hajj, they have to train their heart in good deeds. After the finish the hajj, they also have to keep their heart by manifested it through social activities. Sasak people calls the ritual as “behaji”.