
Abstract: This paper discuss the concept of sharia binsis dispute resolution. In this paper explained that the agreement or contract Musharaka mutanaqishah arranged in a deed that fulfill the standard (pillars and conditions shirkah). Thus, tort committed by one of the parties can not be separated from the legal reference contained in the KUHPerdata and Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah. Applicable law in Indonesia has been providing the forum choice: the ways of litigation and non-litigation. Litiga- tion way, sharia business disputes can be solved in Pengadilan Agama atau Pengadilan Negeri (Islamic Court or the District Court); while the non-litigation way, sharia business disputes can be solved in Basyarnas or BANI through the establishment of a special assembly at the request of the parties to the dispute. All forums examining and adjudicating business disputes sharia required) heed principles shariah contained fatwa from Dewan Syariah Nasional (National Sharia Council).