Studi Meta Analisis Pengaruh Scientific Approach dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam


This   study   aims   to   analyze   Scientific Approach  Learning   models intended to improve  Learning Outcomes. Scientific Approach is learning process designed in such a way that learners actively construct concepts, laws, or principles through the stages, observing stages, formulating problems, submitting hypotheses, collecting data with various techniques, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating. In this study the researchers used a meta-analysis method. First, the researcher formulated the research problem, then proceeded to review the existing  relevant  research  for  analysis.  Data  were  collected  by using a non-test technique by browsing electronic journals through Google Scholar and studying documentation in the library. Twevfe   were  found  through  Google  Scholar  and  twoe  was found in the library. Based on the analysis of the results, the Scientific Approach learning model can improve Learning Outcomes