Model Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan Berbasis Ideologi dan Jejaring


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan pada Sekolah Dasar Islam terpadu Nurul Ilmi Jambi, yang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mampu merebut pasar kelas menengah perkotaan terdidik yang sebelumnya lebih memilih sekolah-sekolah negeri atau sekolah swasta unggulan lainnya. Hasil penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif menemukan bahwa pemasaran jasa pendidikan pada sekolah tersebut dilandasi oleh ideologi muwasafat yang disebarkan dengan sistem jejaring melalui strategi segmentation, targeting, positiong, dan marketing mix. Model ini efektif dalam meningkatkan citra dan reputasi sekolah dikalangan masyarakat, pemerintah, dan stakeholder. Beberapa aspek yang menjadi tantangan adalah image sekolah ‘elit’, pesaing, dan keeksklusifan. Kata kunci: pemasaran jasa, pendidikan, Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu. Absrak. The Model of Ideology and Networking Based Educational Marketing Service: Study at Integrated Islamic Primary School. This study aims at revealing the marketing strategies of educational services at the Integrated Islamic Primary School Nurul Ilmi Jambi, which in recent years were able to seize the educated urban middle class that previously would prefer public schools or other private schools featured. The results of the study with a qualitative approach revealed that the marketing of educational services at the School based on the ideology, namely muwasafat (ten principles of education, derived from Hasan al Banna), networking systems through a strategy of segmentation, targeting, positioning, and marketing mix. The model was effective to improve the image and reputation of the School among the public, government, as well as stakeholders. Some aspects to be the challenge are the image of the School as 'elite' school, competitors, and also exclusivity. Keywords: marketing services, education, elementary school Islam.