
Human life continuity is started on of them from marriage. Thisinstitution is perceived as a legal form in order to extend the generation. Inaddition, it is a need to formulate the marriage in daily life. Bugis society is wellknownas a group that have skill to adapt and open-minded to receiveinnovation. Therefore, this research will explore the relation between Islam andtradition in the context of Bugis society in West Papua. Research data werecollected from participant observation and in-depth interview. During ninemonths this research conducted through the province, except Teluk Wondamaand Raja Ampat. During research, ethnographic principals were applied tounderstand data. Observation guidelines and question list to guide datacollection. Research findings indicate Bugis society is far and they dont occupytheir mother land, but they still preserve the marriage tradition from time totime. This convention is supported that they adapt the culture to Islam since thepangngaderreng (social law) was practiced. Furthermore, Islam is placed as pillarin social institution. Marriages in Bugis community always give the authority toolder person to direct during ritual processes. This means appreciation and hopethat the marriage is running well are the factors. Finally, this research concludesthat two factors, Islam and tradition, they do not have opposite each other inBugis culture. On the other hand, two aspects can be accelerated and practiced ineveryday life.