Menyelesaikan Problem Materi Belajar bagi Anak-anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dengan Research and Development in Education


This paper discusses the problem of education for children with special needs (difable) related to problems of educational material for them, such as curriculum design, the design of textbooks, learning model, and the design of instructional media. Research conducted by the authors prove that these problems can be solved by using Method Research and Development (R & D) in Education. Excellence of R & D is a design study that combines theory, experts, and real conditions on the ground so that the results are very good and appropriate. R & D also has a very small risk in product development and learning materials for children with special needs, because product trials conducted in stages from small, medium, and then a large scale. Key Word: Education, Difable, R & D.AbstrakPaper ini membahas bertujuan menyelesaikan problem pendidikan bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus (difable) terkait dengan problem materi pendidikan bagi mereka, seperti desain kurikulum, desain buku ajar, model pembelajaran, dan desain media pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis membuktikan bahwa problem tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan Metode Research and Development (R & D) in Education. Keunggulan R & D di antaranya adalah desain penelitian yang menggabungkan antara teori, ahli, dan kondisi riil di lapangan sehingga hasilnya sangat bagus dan tepat. R & D juga mempunyai risiko yang sangat kecil dalam pengembangan produk materi belajar bagi anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus, karena uji coba produk dilakukan secara bertahap dari skala kecil, menengah, dan kemudian skala besar.