Menggali Etika Pengacara dalam Alquran


The advocates are the professions (officium nobile) who act law enforcers. The advocates as law enforcers guaranteed by the regulation no. 18 the year 2003 about the advocates are tied with the ethics. The ethics of Indonesian Advocates the year 2002 becomes the guidance for the advocates in performing their professions.  However,  those advocates  who  are  Muslims,  the ethics  should be based on the values in the Alquran. The study is classified as explanatory, namely, explaining, strengthening, or examining a regulation related of the ethics  of advocates. The results of the analysis concluded  that Quran Surah Annisa [4]: 58,105, and 135 as the bases of the ethics of the advocates. The concepts of the ethics in these verses, are, trusteeship and fair, including good behaviors, honesty, responsible,  professional,  having the  skill,  having  high  integrit y in performing professions as law enforcers constitutionally.  The ethics of the advocates in the Alquran  can  be  applied  by  protected  the  positive  law  in  the  form  of  the collaboration of the ethics based on the qur’anic values and the regulation no. 18 the year 2003 about the Advocates, and the Ethics of the Indonesian Advocates the year 2002.