Represi Terhadap Incest (Kajian Mengenai Kasus Incest di Kabupaten Aran Pandang)


The issue of sexuality is always interesting to be discussed, which is very much the language contained in the discourse. Included is incest, which in Indonesian society are considered and reworded as illness, irregularities, and enter the realm of crime. Settlement of the issue of incest in Indonesia curative. The new issue decided upon its completion after it happened in the middle of them. One is through the imprisonment of perpetrators of incest, in this case the father intercourse with his biological child. In this incest problem is not only to show that there is repression against the perpetrators of the body only, but there are mechanisms of repression through language inherent in the subject (people). This has encouraged the subject to blame or stigma given to life, as perverts, sinners, and so on. Besides language stating that the discussion of incest in particular or in general sex is taboo, making this issue difficult to unfold and always hidden. Because such talk is forbidden to the public, because it was considered unethical. So while there is repression either through natural language in the subject unconscious or physically massive and evolving, but the incidence of incest continues to exist. Keywords: Language, Repression, Incest, Subject, Promiscuity, Structure