Implementasi Algoritma Cheapest Insertion Heuristic (CIH) dalam Penyelesaian Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)


Traveling salesman problem (TSP) is the problem of a salesman to visit the city of each city connected to each other and there is the weight of travel between the cities so as to form a complete weighted graph. Departing from a certain initial city, a salesman had to visit (n-1) another city exactly once and return on the initial city of departure. The purpose of TSP is to find the route of all cities with minimum total weight.Many algorithms have been found to solve the TSP, one of which is the Cheapest Insertion Heuristic (CIH) algorithm in the process of inserting weighted steps obtained from the equation c (i, k, j) = d (i, k) + d (k, j) - d (i, j). This algorithm provides different travel routes depending on the order of insertion of cities on the subtour in question.In this final project, the writer took the problem of distribution route of mineral water of al-ma'some 240 ml cup type, with vehicle capacity to meet 1200 carton and have different customer / agent demand that is the distance of depot and agent far from each other, distribution costs.