Budaya Islam Lokal di Kampung Al-Munawar Palembang


Culture is a habit of an individual that must be shared by a group of people. A group has a group if its citizens have together with the same pattern of thinking and behave gained through the learning process. One can be defined as a set of beliefs of values and ways of behavior, habits learned together by citizens from a group living in a region And has a language that neighbors can not understand. In each society, by its members the development of ideal cultural patterns and these patterns are reinforced by cultural matters. The ideal cultural patterns contain the things that most of them need to be filled to do in certain circumstances. These patterns are often called norms. Hard as we all know not everyone in their culture has always been what it has been all about as an ideal. Because if the community always there and the community that exist in the community. Then there will be no so-called crime-the cultural cart. Some of the ideal patterns in life are different from the actual patterns because of patterns that have been ruled out by the ways in which society has been accustomed.